
Connection Sigmatek LASAL PLC to SQL database, ERP, MES

SQL4automation provides two sample projects for Sigmatek LASAL SPS controls. One shows the UTF-8 connection, the other a UTF-16 (Unicode) connection to a SQL database. The sample projects are configured in such a way that they are ready to run immediately on the test environment LARS. An additional hardware is not required.

Integration of the SQL4LASAL library

Parameters such as IP address and the connector's port and the SQL string are passed to the SQL4LASAL library. The return values of the SQL query are written into the two-dimensional string array.

Settings SQL4automation link

For Sigmatek LASAL controls the SQL4automation Connector is operated with the target settings "standard" or "UTF-16". The configuration is completed with a few clicks. On the controller's side the appropriate example has to be selected. For the communication type "standard" the example SQL4LASAL_ASCII and for "UTF-16" the example SQL4LASAL_UCS2.

SPS - PLC -Sigmatek SQL - Datenbank - database - SQL4automation Connector - Inasoft Systems GmbH - Inasoft - Siemens S7 - Beckhoff TwinCAT - Rockwell Allen Bradley - B&R - Sigmatek - ABB - Allen Bradley - S7 - BAHMÜLLER - 	 Insys - Continental - Backspezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG - COREPOWER OCEAN - WIPA - PARO AG - Roboter - SPS - Steuerungstechnik - SQL4automation - Software - Beratung - Automation - Datenbank - SQL - CoDeSys - Stäubli - Keba - Kuka - Beckhoff -  Simulation - Visual Components - Robot - Control Technology - Consultation - Database - Roboter - Robotik - Applikationen - Software - Schweiz - Deutschland - Österreich -  Offline Programming - Switzerland - Germany - France - Italy - USA - UK - Lyssach - SPS - SPS Codesys - Robot Visual Systems - Wago SPS - Kuka Programmierung - Kuka Programming

Tested Sigmatek controls

The SQL4LASAL library has been tested on the following Sigmatek PLC controls:

  • Sigmatek C-IPC
  • Sigmatek LARS